Community Care
Community Care Events
Just north of St. Louis, Missouri, lies a unique 291,000-acre wetland system formed where the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers meet—an area known as the Confluence Floodplain. In addition to its importance for floodwater storage and agricultural production, this area has attracted migratory birds for centuries and boasts a rich waterfowl hunting tradition. Urban development is the greatest threat to this region. To address this concern, Ducks Unlimited and its conservation partners are teaming up with farmers, duck clubs, and other land stewards to protect land-use practices important to waterfowl and people.
In the largely privately owned Confluence, local stakeholders' willingness to play a leadership role is essential to conservation success. In 1999, a group of floodplain landowners became extremely concerned about the construction of a 500-year levee to protect a commercial development project alongside some of the best wetland habitat in the Confluence. Garnering support from other conservation interests, the group formed the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance (GRHA) in 2000. The alliance, which now has the support of more than 20 state, federal, and nonprofit organizations, works to protect the floodplain from commercial development.
GRHA and its partners have testified at numerous public hearings and submitted written opposition to planned developments, zoning changes, and annexation proposals in the Confluence. More importantly GRHA has raised public awareness about the floodplain's importance in terms of flood storage, clean water, and agriculture.
Last October, GRHA and Ducks Unlimited came together for an inaugural fundraising event and the signing of a partnership agreement. More than 300 people attended, and the event netted over $130,000 for conservation work in the Confluence through DU's Big Rivers Initiative, under the Migration and Wintering Landscapes priority of the Rescue Our Wetlands campaign. The agreement focuses on a five-year plan for habitat protection and restoration, youth education, and policy efforts impacting the Confluence.
The 10th annual Purses & Pumps for Pooches & Pals event was held on June 25, 2015 at the Humane Society of Missouri's Macklind Avenue Headquarters, and what a night it was!
Each year, more than 400 professional women come out to enjoy a fun evening of networking, cocktails, hors d'ouevres and a designer purse and shoe raffle. Our 10th annual event was bigger and better than ever, including items from Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton and many more! Best of all, we raised much-needed funds to help homeless Missouri animals!
Proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Missouri's Animal Cruelty Fund, dedicated to investigating, healing, and preventing animal abuse.
The Ultimate Auction is Ursuline Academy’s (Claire’s Alma Mater) largest annual fundraising event. Each year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, parents, faculty, board members, alumnae, friends, and representatives from the business community gather to celebrate Ursuline Academy education. The evening includes an elegant dinner, silent auction via cellular bidding and an exciting live auction! Proceeds raised support operating expenses, educational programs, student scholarships and tuition assistance that benefits all our students – tomorrow’s leaders. Auction funds significantly contribute to supporting Ursuline‘s mission of providing young women with the voice, values and vision of our foundress, St. Angela Merici. Ursuline students learn not for school but for life.
The 6th annual INSPIRE fashion show took place on Friday, September 18, 2015 from 7 – 9 p.m. at the Ameristar Discovery Ballroom in St. Charles. INSPIRE included a networking and shopping reception with vendors, appetizers and beverages. It was followed by a runway show opening with a variety of attire representing specific cultures through fashion. All proceeds benefited the United Way of Greater St. Louis.